
来源:深圳律师网 所属栏目:委托律师 日期:2023-10-09 浏览:141

1、离婚时,夫妻共同财产由双方协议处理; 协商不成的,由人民法院根据财产的具体情况,并按照照顾子女、妇女权益的原则作出判决。 (婚姻法第三十九条)

民法第一千零八十七条:离婚时,夫妻共同财产由双方协议处理; 协商不成的,由人民法院根据财产的具体情况,按照兼顾子女、妇女和无过错方权益的原则作出判决。 夫妻在家庭土地承包经营中享有的权益依法受到保护。

2、夫妻可以约定婚姻关系存续期间取得的财产和婚前财产归各自所有或者共同所有,也可以部分归对方所有、部分共同所有。 该协议应当以书面形式订立。 (婚姻法第十九条)

《民法典》第一千零六十五条:男女可以约定婚姻关系存续期间取得的财产和婚前财产归各自所有或者共同所有,也可以部分归对方所有、部分共同所有。 该协议应当以书面形式订立。





(四)继承、赠与所得财产,是指夫妻关系存续期间,一方或者双方因继承遗产、接受赠与而取得的财产。 继承所得是指财产权的取得,而不是财产的实际占有。 即使婚姻关系终止前没有实际占有,只要在夫妻关系存续期间发生继承,继承的财产就属于夫妻共同财产,但有规定的除外本法第十八条第三款规定的;




(八)军人支付的复员费、自营费等一次性费用,由夫妻共同承担。 (《婚姻法司法解释二》第十四条)







民法第一千零六十二条:夫妻在婚姻关系存续期间取得的下列财产,为夫妻共同财产离婚财产分割的50个法律要点(含《民法典》新规),由夫妻共同所有: (一)工资、奖金和其他报酬。劳务服务; (二)生产、经营、投资所得; (三)知识产权收入; (四)继承或者受赠的财产,但本法第一千零六十三条第三款规定的除外; (五)其他应当属于夫妻共同所有的财产。 丈夫和妻子有平等的权利处理共同财产。











(十)房屋属于婚前个人财产,一方当事人以婚前个人财产支付首付款,房屋所有权证登记在一方名下。 婚姻关系存续期间,如双方共同支付抵押贷款,离婚时,取得房屋所有权的一方将返还对方已支付抵押贷款一半的金额,加上同期银行存款利息。


《民法典》第一千零六十三条:有下列情形之一的,属于配偶一方的财产: (一)一方的婚前财产; (二)一方因人身损害而获得的补偿或者赔偿; (三)遗嘱或者赠与合同确定仅属于一方当事人的财产; (四)供一方专用的生活用品; (五)其他应当属于一方的财产。

5、需要说明的是,1993年11月3日发布的《最高人民法院关于人民法院审理离婚案件中财产分割问题的若干具体意见》第六条规定:“拥有的财产婚前一方所拥有的财产,婚后应转移给所有人。” 夫妻双方共同使用、经营、管理的房屋等有价生产资料满8年,有价生活资料满4年的,可视为夫妻共同财产。”夫妻共同财产。” 曾有《婚姻法司法解释一》第十九条规定,《婚姻法》第十八条规定,夫妻一方所有的财产,不因婚姻关系的延续而转为共同财产。但经双方另有约定的除外。党,废除。

6、共同债务:夫妻双方约定婚姻关系存续期间所得财产归对方所有,夫妻一方对外承担的债务,以夫妻双方所有的财产清偿。如果第三方知道该协议。 (婚姻法第十九条)

《民法典》第一千零六十五条:夫妻双方约定婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产归对方所有。 对方知道该约定的,夫妻一方所承担的债务,应当以夫妻一方的个人财产清偿。





(四)配偶一方受另一方虐待,无法共同生活而离家出走的。 离开的配偶有日常开支、医疗、子女抚养费等债务。







九、夫妻双方共同签字、一方追认或者其他共同意思表示所承担的债务,视为夫妻共同债务。 (《最高人民法院关于审理已婚妇女债务纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释》)

10、债权人主张夫妻一方在婚姻关系存续期间因家庭生活必需以个人名义所承担的债务属于夫妻共同债务的,人民法院应予支持。 (《最高人民法院关于审理已婚妇女债务纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释》)

11、婚姻存续期间债权人以自己的名义主张超过家庭日常生活需要的债务,人民法院不予支持,但债权人可以证明该债务为夫妻共同使用。 例外情况包括居住、共同生产和经营,或基于配偶双方的共同意愿。 (《最高人民法院关于审理已婚妇女债务纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释》)

《民法典》第 1064 条: 夫妻双方共同签字或者经一方追认所承担的债务,以及婚姻存续期间夫妻一方以个人名义为家庭日常生活需要所承担的债务,由配偶共同拥有。 债务。

夫妻一方在婚姻关系存续期间以个人名义承担的超出家庭日常需要的债务,不属于夫妻共同债务; 但债权人可以证明该债务用于夫妻共同生活、共同生产经营,或者基于夫妻双方的共同意思表示。 除了。


13、一方对连带债务承担连带清偿责任后,依据离婚协议书或者人民法院法律文书向另一方主张追偿的,人民法院应予支持。 (《婚姻法司法解释二》第25条)

14. 丈夫或妻子死亡的,尚存一方对婚姻存续期间产生的连带债务承担连带责任。 (《婚姻法司法解释二》第二十六条)

十五、一方在婚前贷款购买的房屋或者其他财产,转为夫妻共同财产的,借款人所承担的债务,视为夫妻共同债务。丈夫和妻子。 (《最高人民法院关于人民法院审理离婚案件中财产分割问题的若干具体意见》第十八条)

16. 如果婚姻存续时间不长,或者所要求的财产给另一方的生活造成困难,通过婚姻获得的财产可以在离婚时返还。 难以确定所取得的财产是请求还是赠与的,可以作为赠与处理。 (《最高人民法院关于人民法院审理离婚案件中财产分割问题的若干具体意见》第十九条)

17、离婚时,夫妻共同财产未与家庭共同财产分割,一方要求分割财产的,可办理离婚及已认定的财产问题与第一。 对于目前确实难以查明的财产分割问题,可以通知当事人另案处理。 ; 或者中止离婚诉讼,待财产分割案件终结后恢复离婚诉讼。 (《最高人民法院关于人民法院审理离婚案件中财产分割问题的若干具体意见》第二十条)

第十八条 一方非法隐匿、转移共同财产拒不交出,或者非法变卖、毁坏共同财产的,分割财产时,隐匿、转移、变卖、毁坏共同财产的一方应当减少份额。或没有份额。 具体处理时,隐匿、转让、变卖、损毁的财产应当视为隐匿、转让、变卖、毁损财产当事人的财产份额。 另一方应得的份额应由夫妻的其他共同财产抵消。 差额抵销的,隐匿、转让、变卖、毁坏财物的一方应当折价补偿对方。 对非法隐匿、转移、变卖、毁坏夫妻共同财产的离婚财产分割,人民法院可以依照《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第一百零二条的规定处理。 (《最高人民法院关于人民法院审理离婚案件中财产分割问题的若干具体意见》第21条)

十九、如果是同居婚姻,财产分割适用本意见。 同居违法的,财产分割按照最高人民法院《关于人民法院审理未办理婚姻登记以夫妻名义同居案件的若干意见》的有关规定办理。 (《最高人民法院关于人民法院审理离婚案件中财产分割问题的若干具体意见》第二十二条)

20、婚姻关系存续期间,配偶一方尚未与他人订立其知识产权的使用合同。 知识产权所带来的经济利益只是预期利益,而获得知识产权报酬的权利也是预期权利。 财产为权利,不能为夫妻共同所有; 配偶一方作为知识产权权利人与他人签订使用合同的,无论知识产权权利人是否实际收到报酬,均应列为夫妻共同财产,由夫妻共同所有。 (《婚姻法司法解释(二)的理解与适用》)

21、婚后夫妻分居两地管理、使用的财产,视为夫妻共同财产。 财产分割时,各方管理、使用的财产归各方所有。 双方财产分配差异较大的,财产多的一方应当向另一方补偿相当于差额的财产。 (《最高人民法院关于人民法院审理离婚案件中财产分割问题的若干具体意见》第四条)

第二十二条 婚姻登记后尚未同居,一方或者双方接受的赠与、彩礼应当视为夫妻共同财产,处理时应当考虑该财产的来源和数量。事并合理划分。 各方购买、使用的财产原则上归各方所有。 (《最高人民法院关于人民法院审理离婚案件中财产分割问题的若干具体意见》第五条)

23.人民法院审理离婚案件,涉及以军人名义支付的复员费、自主选业费等一次性费用的,应当按照婚姻关系数额乘以年均值,所得金额为夫妻共同财产。 年平均数是指将支付给军人名下的上述费用总额按具体年份均等除后的数额。 具体年数是士兵平均寿命七十岁与入伍时实际年龄的差值。 (婚姻法司法解释二第十四条)

24.夫妻分割股票、债券、投资基金份额等有价证券以及非上市股份有限公司股份的共同财产,协商不成或者难以按照市场价格分配的,人民法院可以根据数量按比例分配。 (婚姻法司法解释二第十五条)



(二)夫妻双方就出资转让份额和出资转让价格达成协议后,半数以上股东不同意转让,但愿意以同等价格购买出资的,人民法院可以分割出资转让所得的财产。 过半数股东不同意转让且不愿以同等价格购买出资的,视为同意转让,股东的配偶可以成为公司股东。














28、婚前一方租赁、婚后以共同财产购买的房屋,且房屋所有权证登记在一方名下的,视为夫妻共同财产。 双方就夫妻共同财产中的房屋的价值和归属不能达成一致的,人民法院将根据下列情况分别处理:




















31.人民法院受理离婚案件时,应当书面告知当事人婚姻法第四十六条等规定规定的当事人的相关权利和义务。 适用婚姻法第四十六条时,应当区分下列不同情况:



(三)无过错方为被告的离婚案件,被告一审未提出赔偿请求,二审时提出赔偿请求的,人民法院应当进行调解。 调解不成的,通知当事人在离婚后一年内另行提起诉讼;


32、离婚时,一方有困难的,另一方应当从住房等个人财产中提供适当帮助。 具体措施由双方商定; 协商不成的,由人民法院裁定。 如果出现下列情况之一,生活就困难了:




33、离婚协议中关于财产分割的规定或者当事人因离婚达成的财产分割协议,在不违反法律强制性规定或者不可撤销的情况下,对离婚当事人具有约束力。 离婚后,一方同意将离婚协议中一方拥有的财产赠与另一方的,应视为赠与。 当赠与为不动产时,在不动产未经登记转移到对方名下之前,赠与人有权撤销赠与。 (案号:(2013)绥民初字497号)

34、婚前抵押财产的归属,应当根据取得房产证的时间判断。 双方均享有财产权的,应当以股份取得财产权益。 婚前购买房屋的一方有产权的,无产权的一方应享受相应的投资回报。 (案号:(2010)二中民终字524号)

35、离婚财产分割时,有独立房屋产权证的阁楼和附属住宅是否视为两套独立的房产,不能仅凭房屋产权证来判断。 应根据离婚协议的条款和财产的性质而定。 合理确定法律属性。 夫妻共同按揭买房时,如果父母出资较少,不能视为婚后父母一方为子女买房。 (案号:(2009)曲科民初字221号)

36、离婚协议中关于财产给付的约定,不具有身份关系性质,应适用《中华人民共和国合同法》。 因债权人原因造成债务人履行债务困难的,债务人可以中止履行。 由此造成的债务逾期履行,不构成违约,债务人不承担违约责任。 (案号:(2008)吴中民一终字第686号)

37. According to the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law, the review of whether a person outside the case enjoys civil rights sufficient to exclude compulsory execution in an enforcement objection lawsuit is essentially to examine the rights and interests enjoyed by the person outside the case in the subject matter of execution and the rights and interests enjoyed by the person applying for execution based on the effective legal document. Which of the rights and interests takes priority? Since the Property Law and the Marriage Law have different emphasis on the protection of property rights, the court should not exclude the rights claims of persons not involved in the case against the subject matter of execution based on the divorce agreement just because the transfer procedures have not been completed. Instead, the court should comprehensively consider whether the divorce agreement exists from the perspective of the legislative purpose. Malicious collusion as well as factors such as the time of formation of the creditor's rights, the nature of the creditor's rights, the content of the creditor's rights, social ethics and other factors, and then determine the rights subject who enjoys more priority civil rights and interests in the untransferred property. (Case No.: (2018) Sichuan Minshen No. 3587)

38. After the two parties agree to divorce, one party discovers that the other party has concealed the joint property of the husband and wife. The content in the divorce agreement involving the parties' divorce, giving up custody, etc. that indicates agreement and eliminates major misunderstandings is still valid. For hidden joint property, a lawsuit can be filed in court to request re-division. (Case No.: (2015) Yuerzhong Faminzhongzi No. 01824)

39. At the time of divorce, the two parties did not split the company stocks purchased during the marital relationship. After the divorce, one party held the stocks and converted and invested them several times. In the end, the stocks increased significantly in value, and the other party discovered and sued for the proceeds from the stock split. The basic principle is Recognizing the original value of stocks and the natural appreciation and interest generated as common property involves the selection of division nodes and the analysis of concepts such as natural appreciation, interest, and investment income, and the scope of property is adjusted accordingly according to the division nodes. At the same time, if a request is made to divide a common property with property rights, the statute of limitations does not apply. (Case No.: (2013) Chang Min Yi Zhong Zi No. 102)

40. The gift clause in the divorce agreement is not completely equivalent to the gift contract in contract law. It is legally binding and should not be revoked arbitrarily. That is to say, in the divorce agreement, after the spouses donate the joint property, the donor does not have the right to revoke it at will. (Case No.: (2010) Yuyizhong Faminzhongzi No. 1700)

41. If the divorce property division agreement is invalid, request confirmation of invalidity and re-division, without being restricted by the one-year exclusion period; if part of the house purchase price is paid with the joint property of the husband and wife, regardless of whether the amount of the house purchase price used to pay for the house with the joint property accounts for the total house purchase price Regardless of the proportion of the property, it shall be jointly owned by the husband and wife; the Property Law does not clearly stipulate the principle of one property, one right in the form of specific provisions, but this principle is affirmed. This is reflected in the concept of property rights, the legal principle of property rights, and the unified registration system of real estate. It is reflected in other provisions; for a jointly owned house where both the husband and wife's personal property and the joint property of the husband and wife are used to pay for the purchase of the house, it should be divided according to the contribution of both parties to the house. (Case No.: (2007) Yi Zhong Min Zhong Zi No. 14995)

42. The party who does not directly support the incapacitated person after divorce should not be recognized as a guardian, and therefore should not be recognized as the legal representative of the incapacitated person. Therefore, he has no right to file a lawsuit on behalf of the incapacitated person. If the case has been accepted, the prosecution should be dismissed. (Case No.: (2014) Xiu Minchu Zi No. 201)

43. After divorce, if it is discovered that the child is not his biological child, only if he is not at fault can he exercise his rights to confirm the non-parental relationship, return the alimony paid, reallocate property and compensate for mental damage solatium. (Case No.: (2014) Li Zhong Min Yi Zhong Zi No. 264)

44. To determine the right of revocation by a third party in an alimony case, it is necessary to clarify whether the parents' payment of alimony based on their obligation to support their children will infringe upon the joint property rights of the parents after remarriage. Although husband and wife have equal rights to dispose of jointly owned property, husband or wife also has the right to reasonably dispose of their personal income. Unless one party pays alimony that clearly exceeds his or her ability to afford it or transfers the joint property of the spouses, failure to reach an agreement with the current spouse cannot be deemed to have violated the joint property rights of the spouses. (Liu Moumou v. Xu Moumou and Yin Moumou, Supreme People's Court Bulletin, Issue 7, 2016 (Total Issue 237))

45. After litigation for divorce, if one of the original spouses discovers that there is no natural blood relationship with the children and requests to deny the parent-child relationship, they should apply for a retrial of the child support part of the original divorce judgment, and cannot directly file a lawsuit to deny the parent-child relationship, otherwise it will constitute a repeated lawsuit. 。 (Case No.: (2017) Su 0923 Minchu No. 2169)

46. ​​When handling cases related to parent-child relationship disputes, if the evidence provided by one party can form a reasonable chain of evidence to prove that there may be a parent-child relationship between the two parties, but the other party has no contrary evidence and firmly refuses to do a paternity test, the court may It is presumed that the claim of the party requesting confirmation of paternity is established, and the party who refuses to do the paternity test is judged to be responsible for the maintenance of the child born out of wedlock. (Case No.: (2014) Yanmin Zhongzi No. 237)

47. Paragraph 2 of Article 37 of the Marriage Law stipulates that an agreement or judgment on children's living expenses and education expenses shall not prevent the children from making reasonable demands to either parent that exceed the original amount of the agreement or judgment when necessary. Therefore, if the children request an increase in child support, they should focus on examining what are the prerequisites for "when necessary" stipulated in the law, and based on Article 18 of the Supreme People's Court's "Several Specific Opinions on Handling Child Support Issues in the Trial of Divorce Cases by People's Courts" 3 situations are judged. For couples who have divorced through mediation agreement in the People's Court, and issues such as child support have been clarified in the agreement, and the children will sue for an increase in child support in the short term, unless there is sufficient evidence to prove that there have been major changes in the children's lives, failure to increase child support will result in If it is difficult to maintain a normal life, the previous judgment of the referee should be respected and should not be changed easily. (Case No.: (2014) Shen Zhong Shao Min Zhong Zi No. 00144)

48. Whether the statute of limitations is applicable to the recovery of alimony shall fully consider the requester's behavioral capacity, living conditions and exercise of rights. Underage children born out of wedlock seek support from the obligor. Since the right to claim support has personal attributes, the exercise of the right is restricted by many factors such as the rights holder's cognitive and behavioral abilities, moral concepts, and confirmation of the parent-child relationship. Therefore, based on the considerations of maintaining public order and good morals, personal dignity, and protecting the basic survival rights of minors born out of wedlock, this right of claim should not be subject to the statute of limitations in principle. (Gu v. Zhou alimony dispute case People's Justice·Case 2009.24)

49. When hearing disputes involving child custody issues, the principle of maximizing the interests of the child should be followed, starting from the principle of benefiting the physical and mental health of the child and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the child, and properly resolved based on the specific circumstances such as the parenting ability and parenting conditions of both parents. After divorce, if the custody conditions of the custody parent have not changed in a way that is not conducive to the growth of the child, the custody relationship cannot be changed. (Appeal case on the custody relationship dispute between Wu and Lin People's Justice·Case 2010.2)

50. The property division agreement reached by the husband and wife during the marriage relationship, which includes the registration of divorce and property division, etc., is a "property division agreement with agreed divorce conditions" stipulated in Article 14 of the "Judicial Interpretation of the Marriage Law (3)". If the parties agree to divorce but the conditions for the validity of such property division agreement have not been established, even if the agreement on property division has been partially fulfilled, the attached validity conditions cannot be considered to have been fulfilled, and such agreement shall be deemed to be ineffective. The court should apply a certain legal rule but does not, thereby making an erroneous evaluation of the effectiveness of the legal act and making an erroneous judgment. This is a situation where "there is indeed an error in the application of the law and leads to an erroneous judgment result." If the party applies for retrial based on this, it should be determined that his application meets the statutory retrial grounds of "the application of the law is indeed wrong", and the reviewing court should rule on retrial in accordance with the law. (Case No.: (2015) Shanghai No. 1 Middle School (Ministry) Zai Zhong Zi No. 9)



